Common Electrical Faults That Impact The Running Of HVAC Systems

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Modern HVAC systems rely heavily on electrical maintenance to ensure their components are in good working order. Although there are some mechanical faults that frequently crop up with HVAC systems, electrical repairs are also crucial for the efficient running of both the heating and cooling operations of such systems. Electrical faults can significantly impair system performance and, in some cases, will result in a complete system failure. Find out more about the sort of electrical faults HVAC repair engineers are most likely to deal with these days.

Thermostat Malfunctions

One of the most frequently encountered HVAC electrical problems is a malfunctioning thermostat. Thermostats constitute the control hubs of HVAC systems. Given they indicate when the system should turn on and off based on user-input timings or set temperature points, faulty ones can lead to severe control issues. Faulty thermostats might stem from issues such as wiring problems, battery failures, or because they have been incorrectly calibrated. When an HVAC thermostat malfunctions, an engineer will usually be able to fix it or replace it to resolve the issue.

Capacitor Faults

Another common electrical issue with HVAC systems is a faulty capacitor. The capacitor provides the necessary jolt of electricity to start the motor. It is also used to keep the system running by supplying a steady flow of electricity to the motor. Capacitors can fail following extreme temperature changes, but they also tend to dip in performance as they age. Either way, this can result in the system's inability to maintain even temperature levels, or, in some cases, not starting at all.

Tripping Circuit Breakers

Fuses and circuit breakers also cause many electrical faults in HVAC systems. Designed to protect your HVAC system from power surges, fuses and circuit breakers cut off power when the current exceeds a certain level. If your system is tripping frequently and constantly needing to be reset, then it could indicate an underlying issue with the unit's electrics and may even suggest a fire hazard, so frequent trips should never be overlooked.

Wiring Faults

Lastly, worn-out or frayed wiring can cause significant issues with all types of HVAC systems, too. Wiring will degrade due to temperature fluctuations over time in all sorts of electrically powered systems. Equally, rodents may gnaw on wiring, thereby degrading it. Faulty wiring will typically disrupt the power supply to the HVAC system. Not only might this cause a system shutdown, but, like tripping fuses, it also suggests a substantial fire risk is in play if wiring issues aren't addressed promptly.

Reach out to a local service, such as Arc Electric & Air Conditioning & Heating Inc, to learn more.
