Check This, Check That: Things To Do Before You Call Furnace Repair Technicians

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There is so little people know about home systems, yet they should know something before they buy a house. Most people learn a lot about HVAC systems, electrical systems and plumbing after they buy a house and live in it for a while. If you are the type of person that wants to get ahead of any problem with these systems, but you have already purchased your home, read a lot about these systems. By reading more, you learn more about what to do before you call a repair technician, which could save you a lot of money. Here is more about what you should check before you call furnace repair technicians.

Check the Filter

If you throw on your heater and everyone gets the sniffles, it is not the cold weather that is making you sick. It is probably your furnace filter, which most people tend to forget about during the warmer months. If you cannot remember when you changed the filter last, it is probably time to check it and replace it. You will be able to tell if the filter is contributing to your family's sinus issues when you pull it from the furnace the filter is medium to dark gray and you can practically shake the dust particles off it pulling it free.

Check the Pilot Light and/or Ignition Switch

If you have a gas furnace, there is a little door somewhere on your furnace where you can see the pretty blue flame of gas burning brightly. Many of the problems associated with poor heat production on a gas furnace are related to the flame, which was accidentally extinguished. Otherwise, open the control panel on your furnace and test the ignition switch, which is electrically controlled and necessary for igniting the flames that turn into hot air for your house. You should be able to manually click or press the switch to test it.

Listen and Watch the Fan and Fan Motor

The fan is the part of your furnace that blows the hot air upward into your ventilation system. The fan motor is what keeps the fan spinning every time the furnace kicks on to produce heat. There should be an access panel you can remove to check out the fan and fan motor. Wait and watch for the fan to turn on. It should spin quite rapidly and unhindered, while the motor should hum. Listen and watch it for a couple of cycles to make sure these components are running properly. If you can't figure out what's wrong, it may be time to contact a furnace repair technician at a place like
